Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer - Offering NIne

Mama Taye's Elder's Prayer - Offering Nine
Hear the crisp crackle of the wind in threes. Feel the breeze brush past the chilled cheek. Touch the gloved hand and find a moment to inhale. Then exhale. Settle into the space of calm before the storm. Rest there a moment with the cloud of witnesses blowing heaven's kisses. Inhale.
These are times unlike times before and just like times before so let we who are awake remain on watch, on vigil, on task so that all may be awake and all may be free. Let us continue the quest for justice for without it, there is a requirement that peace be disturbed. Let those who are the faces and voices and soldiers on these front lines of this movement know that they do not stand alone. Let them feel the soil deep roots that buoy them up and let them know there are many who stand with them. Let those whose time is past and who squandered their opportunity, step back and realize that all they need to do now is provide assistance, support, and voice where needed. Let those who are trying to make a name for themselves be quieted by the resounding call for unity, justice, and freedom. It is our duty to fight.
On this eve before evil and saint, when some dress up to wreck havoc, let the exposure be in the removing of the mask and the true intent be blinded by a thousand points of truth. Let motives against freedom and justice for the marginalized be exposed and let those who have realize they do not have it alone. Let there be light.
In the moment and silence before or if announcements of justice prevailing come or do not come, let the feet not grow weary and continue marching, let the voices not grow hoarse and continue shouting, let the call continue to resound for this must be the loosening of chains.
Justice has a ring in the calling and this week, let the clarion sound for the ballot box, let the mark of the pen or the punch on the machine ring out across this land, as the elders and ancients looking on, those who died for the right so many now take for granted. Let those who try to stop the vote be met with the resilency of those who insist they will exercise their democracy on the protest line and in the ballot box. Let us take up their call as our duty to fight for our freedom and our duty to win, win against those who take the vote for granted and win against those who are afraid of our vote so they block it. Let's push past and take up the mantle of righteous action against unrighteous deeds.
In this day, we will remind the ones who feel secure in their suburban enclaves that there can be on safety when there are those attacked by the ones meant to protect. Let them know that eventually the chains will come for them unless that stand up and speak out also. 
We hear the call of the crisp air and we answer collectively and with clarity that we will loosen our chains, we will stand united, and we will win.
Let it be, let it be, let it be.


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