Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer - Offering Eight

Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer, Offering Eight
Calling on the one who is greater than the sun, the one who shines light upon us and exposes the darkness of hate and fear. Calling upon the one who brought new year and new light in the same week and covered the night voices proclaiming their duty to fight. Calling upon the great you to lead us into this journey.
it is our duty cries the daughters and sisters who declare time to change the narrative, that remind us that black lives matter and all life has value. That we have a duty to unite, organize, and deploy to the place of the real work of social justice and humanity.
From the middle out as watchers descend on the gateway city and declare the human rights abuses of those with a badge in the land of the free, we pause in the felt presence and watchful eye of the great cloud of witnesses, to center ourselves, the strengthen ourselves and prepare ourselves for the great work ahead.
As seasons change and night becomes day and the warmth of roots fills our soul, let us hold onto the righteousness of the youthful charge, to go forth and to shout with a unified voice, to be unmoved.
One then two then three then more lights snuffed out with the fire from the fearful hands in blue and the people mourn, cried out, mother's and father's hearts rendered in two, anguish filled the soul and to the streets they continue in the face of threats and trolls and surveillance to declare that our lives matter.
In this moment where hate threatens to darken the sky of the arch reaching so high, love and honor and commitment and overpower the clouds of darkness, unity confounds the enemy. Let us keep walking in light and finding in each other that spark of fire igniting purpose that makes us declare no more, that wakens us from our stuppor.
We who sleep no more and keep the night watch pause to honor the warriors, the sisters and brothers with the tireless feet and the powerful chant to the ancient drum beat of our soul, we keep on, we must, we must, we must for "we who believe in freedom will not rest until it comes."
Asé, Mama Tayé


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