
Showing posts from October, 2014

Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer - Offering NIne

Mama Taye's Elder's Prayer - Offering Nine Hear the crisp crackle of the wind in threes. Feel the breeze brush past the chilled cheek. Touch the gloved hand and find a moment to inhale. Then exhale. Settle into the space of calm before the storm. Rest there a moment with the cloud of witnesses blowing heaven's kisses. Inhale. These are times unlike times before and just like times before so let we who are awake remain on watch, on vigil, on task so that all may be awake and all may be free. Let us continue the quest for justice for without it, there is a requirement that peace be disturbed. Let those who are the faces and voices and soldiers on these front lines of this movement know that they do not stand alone. Let them feel the soil deep roots that buoy them up and let them know there are many who stand with them. Let those whose time is past and who squandered their opportunity, step back and realize that all they need to do now is provide assistance, support, and ...

Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer - Offering Eight

Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer, Offering Eight Calling on the one who is greater than the sun, the one who shines light upon us and exposes the darkness of hate and fear. Calling upon the one who brought new year and new light in the same week and covered the night voices proclaiming their duty to fight. Calling upon the great you to lead us into this journey. it is our duty cries the daughters and sisters who declare time to change the narrative, that remind us that black lives  matter and all life has value. That we have a duty to unite, organize, and deploy to the place of the real work of social justice and humanity. From the middle out as watchers descend on the gateway city and declare the human rights abuses of those with a badge in the land of the free, we pause in the felt presence and watchful eye of the great cloud of witnesses, to center ourselves, the strengthen ourselves and prepare ourselves for the great work ahead. As seasons change and night becomes day ...

Mama Tayé's Elder's Prayer - Sharing Six

Mama Tayé's Elder Prayer - Sharing Six . The black night calm storm to the morning blue of tears shed of lives lost of weary feet and souls wondering how long, to those we greet in the way of light and life knowing that there can be no greeting of peace as long as justice is unserved. The morning rises on the Weekend of Resistance where young and old join arm-in-arm and stand face2face against the policies that criminalize bodies in black and brown, against the system that profits on keeping them down. We honor their lives and their families that mourn them - all of them in all of their Millennial hopes and dreams dashed, in all their smiles and even in their errors, they were loved and we honor their right of existence. Standing united as one, we loudly proclaim our righteous fight to lift up to unit to organize and to deploy those into our land to protect, provide, and promote the lifes of our black sons and daughters. We stand as one in this supposed land of the free...