The journey of life has not been an easy one for Myla. She knew there was something different about her, about her life, but could never understand the sheer impact of all that she had endured until she stepped out on that stage. "Hello, my name is Myla and I am a survivor." The crowd roared into claps before they even heard her raspy voice speak the words and read the passages of her book. This was her first tour, her first speaking engagement, her first opportunity to take back her power. "My story is in some ways not unlike the story of many women, many of you sitting in this room right now. I was born to parents who loved each other and subsequently loved me, their baby girl. I was raised in the praise of their affirmation of my brains and beauty, taught to be tender and caring, to be loving and kind, to believe in the best in all people, and to strive for my dreams. I was taught of my virtue and my worth and to pursue my education. M...