Song for Carla
he promised love and commitment but instead destroyed her soul he killed her spirit and ate her life whole then one day his insecurity was much for him to bear he stepped inside her life and destroyed what was there he promised love and commitment but ended her life one day wondering how this happened how one could end this way this wonder of a woman who changed our lives ended up with the demon in christian disguise dressed in white and laid out in repose her eyes were mortician closed he sat in the pew looking forlorn as the room filled with praise for her to the rafters it arose that beautiful soul was tortured no more how could no one know we gathered at the grave and said our last good bye he off to the side just waiting a chance to go learned later the fate of this magnificent woman who gave my words wind he promised love and commitment and took her light away for his own depraved and evil bend it will not be silent her calling from the grave she has given i...