
Showing posts from November, 2013

All That Glitters

Adorned in shiny brilliance cut, clarity,carat given heart's desire Save one most--cherished --craving of soul Love's fine jewel --The Heart

Poet-to-Poet Talk With Lori Widmer

Poet-to-Poet Talk With Lori Widmer Lori, welcome, thank you for chatting with me today. Thanks for inviting me. J Let me begin by saying we are both explorers of the MOOC platform, having virtually met in Modern and Contemporary Poetry taught byProfessor Al Filries of the University of Pennsylvania.   Tell us what drew you to this ModPo13 class? I’ve had an interest in poetry since I was young. In fact, my first “work” was a poem. It was about a salamander. Hey, it was sixth grade—that’s as creative as I could get! But I loved the idea of studying poetry formally. When this course appeared on Coursera , I couldn’t avoid it. In fact, this is my second time through the course. A salamander! My daughter is a writer in 6 th grade, that sounds like something she would write about.  Tell us a little more about yourself…are you a professional writer? Poet? What do you do? I’m a freelance writer and editor, and my concentration is business writing. I have over...

Mother's Change by Lori Widmer

The world is a small and beautiful place when the wonders of technology allows two women, both mothers and both writers, to connect in a MOOC called ModPo13 ( and discover a certain beauty in the words they share.  The following is a guest poet from said encounter. Mother’s Change by Lori Widmer Maybe it was heat altered her, or maybe it was life led through others, those children Husband to whom she’d given too much. It was Change in her, one revealed loss of her Self heightened by empty spent feeling flashes sweating reminding her Age was winning, her curves now took different Paths. She fluffed clean sheets over tired bed, beating back heat inside her, wondering if she’d ever feel cool again, if young friend of her daughter, one who flirted shamelessly with her, found her sexy or if he thought her ridiculous for flirting back for wanting to be wanted she having watched her husband relishing his temper in private, channelin...

They Know What They Do

They despise  you when you refuse to be their token They loathe you when you speak the truth They hate you when you walk out