IN MOTHER’S FAVORITE CHAIR by Tayé Foster Bradshaw I am not sure when this journey began or really, where it will even end up. I keep thinking that I will walk back into the room and see her sitting there, book in hand, coffee at her little side table, a smile on her face. But I am fully awake and I know this is all happening, all around me. “Your mother went up to heaven,” that’s what they all told me. “Okay.” I ran off to play. I am only four years old. I believe them. They would never lie to me, this I am sure of. They have always taken care of me, giving me cupcakes that my grandmother made, the lady with the long, long gray hair that I saw one time in the early morning when she didn’t know I was awake. I was supposed to be asleep on the sofa, snuggled next to my little brother and my cousin, we were supposed to watch Romper Room in the morning, I was awake, hol...
Poet-to-Poet Talk With Lori Widmer Lori, welcome, thank you for chatting with me today. Thanks for inviting me. J Let me begin by saying we are both explorers of the MOOC platform, having virtually met in Modern and Contemporary Poetry taught byProfessor Al Filries of the University of Pennsylvania. Tell us what drew you to this ModPo13 class? I’ve had an interest in poetry since I was young. In fact, my first “work” was a poem. It was about a salamander. Hey, it was sixth grade—that’s as creative as I could get! But I loved the idea of studying poetry formally. When this course appeared on Coursera , I couldn’t avoid it. In fact, this is my second time through the course. A salamander! My daughter is a writer in 6 th grade, that sounds like something she would write about. Tell us a little more about yourself…are you a professional writer? Poet? What do you do? I’m a freelance writer and editor, and my concentration is business writing. I have over...
"Standing On The Side Of The Road" I am standing here on the side of the road - Trying desperately not to be seen It is the middle of your busy day You do not notice me with your latte Guarding against the cold wind- Frozen inside outside walking here and there No mansion or house to put my belongings, no one to care- I am standing here on the side of the road- Not the trash you just tossed away That latte and uneaten muffin, my only meal today Standing here, shivering in the city alone No one to shelter and love me in the biting cold You are busy, I know, but see me please Life is not pleasurable or one of simple ease I once had a home and a family too Rushed through life, busy like you Forgotten and discarded in the corner cafe Wishing for more than your morning latte My only hope, made it last all day Trying hard not to be in anyone's way Standing on the side of the road It is where I live, where I grow old Please remember when you rush by T...