IN MOTHER’S FAVORITE CHAIR by Tayé Foster Bradshaw I am not sure when this journey began or really, where it will even end up. I keep thinking that I will walk back into the room and see her sitting there, book in hand, coffee at her little side table, a smile on her face. But I am fully awake and I know this is all happening, all around me. “Your mother went up to heaven,” that’s what they all told me. “Okay.” I ran off to play. I am only four years old. I believe them. They would never lie to me, this I am sure of. They have always taken care of me, giving me cupcakes that my grandmother made, the lady with the long, long gray hair that I saw one time in the early morning when she didn’t know I was awake. I was supposed to be asleep on the sofa, snuggled next to my little brother and my cousin, we were supposed to watch Romper Room in the morning, I was awake, hol...